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Performance shouldn't be limited to the privileged. 

What is Charm City Studios?
Charm City Studios is a free, online Performing Arts Program meant for those who can't afford professional training. This issue is overlooked and not thought of as important but it should be recognized. Children and people of all ages shouldn't have to give up their dreams because of their family's financial status. That's something they shouldn't have to worry about at their age. Even if they are adults, it's just added stress. Our website & app are free and flexible to your schedule. There are no repercussions if you miss a class because people shouldn't be pressured to do something if they can't. Our goal is to be a safe space and be as inclusive as possible. 
Because after all, a little more kindness in the world couldn't hurt 






Costume Design 

Set Design 





This week's Student spotlight*
Celine Tam, 9 years old, Vocals

*This is a video off of Youtube, however, this feature is for if an instructor notices a student in their class is doing particularly well. They can send in a video of the student to one of us (with the student's consent, of course) and we will post it here, on the homepage.  Then, the entire Charm City Studios community will be able to see that students' improvement. 

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